Helping the world starts with helping those around us. Partnering with our community leaders, we have a weekly food pantry at our LaPlata campus, provide individual benevolence and support local non-profits like LifeStyles, Point of Change, and Poiema.


NEWLIFE La Plata’s food pantry is open every Monday from 4-6pm. We can take donations during Sunday morning services or you can drop off donations to our office Monday through Thursday from 10am-4pm every week.

Interested in Serving?

Scroll through to learn about how you can help in your community!

Food Pantry

Our NewLife Pantry serves the local community that is affected by food insecurity. We provide shelf stable food as well as fresh produce through donations, our garden on campus and a partnership with Celestial Manna. The pantry team prepares bags for distribution on most Mondays starting around 12:30pm and opens for pick up from 4-6pm. 

If you’re interested in volunteering with the food pantry, we’d be glad to have you join our fantastic team! Please email mikep@newlife.live for more info on how to get started.

Looking for Even More Ways to Serve?

As we have more opportunities for you, they’ll be posted here. Check back soon!

Non – Profit Organizations Partners

Poiema Movement

Poiema Movement exists to be that trusted guide. We stand in the gap for women between crisis and change, moving them from brokenness to restoration. Using a holistic approach, our program is aimed at recovery and transformation that leads to lifelong sustainable change.

We know that without intervention and a strong support community, she will likely remain trapped in the same cycles that have led to her self-destruction. That is why we provide a safe place to live, with a strong community of support, to empower women survivors who want to turn their lives around. 

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://www.poiemamovement.com/ https://www.poiemamovement.com/joinvolunteerteam

Charles County Children's Aid Society

Mission – To improve the quality of life for struggling Charles County families so they and their children can thrive and succeed. 

Charles County Children’s Aid Society, Inc. (CCCAS) was founded in 1934 by a group of compassionate women who recognized that some of their neighbors were having difficulty feeding and clothing their children.  Spurred by the Great Depression and casualties of war, these caring ladies formed a “society” whose goal was to ensure that the basic life necessities of local families were met.  However, as time progressed, the group realized that they were unable to provide for the less fortunate independently, so in 1957, the Children’s Aid Society became a 501 (c) (3) non-profit human service agency.

CCCAS has continually evolved to address the needs of the current community.  Early on, the agency handled Charles County’s foster care and adoption services before there was the Charles County Department of Social Services.  Over time, parenting classes, emergency financial assistance, and many other services have been provided through this agency.

Today, CCCAS is governed by a strong and caring board of directors comprised of members of our community.  It offers programs that include school supplies for students, assistance for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, food, clothing, items for the home, and more.  Over 30,000 Charles County citizens are helped annually.

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://www.childrens-aid-society.org/get-involved


Mission – Our priority is to assist people with disabilities to create full and meaningful lives of their choosing. We value our employees’ achievements in supporting this priority. We ensure they understand how their responsibilities fit into Melwood’s success, provide them with the skills and resources they need, assess their performance fairly, and recognize their outstanding contributions.

Our employees are self-starters. They take pride in their work, continually looking for ways to improve the services we provide to our clients and customers and for ways to make other employees more effective and productive. They are never satisfied with anything less than the best for those we serve. We inspire trust through personal and professional leadership, honesty in our relationships, decisions consistent with our values, and individual accountability for our actions. 

Together we are Melwood. We know that to be successful, we must work across organizational boundaries. We collaborate, listen, share information, and provide mutual support within Melwood and with our partners to achieve our goals.

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://melwood.org/about/

Lifestyles of Southern Md

Mission – To provide compassionate programs and services that meet the needs of those who are underserved in our community resulting in Help, Hope, and Transformation.  

Our Core Values

  • Everyone who needs and wants shelter will be sheltered
  • No child will ever go to bed hungry
  • Everyone will have access to quality and affordable physical and mental health
  • Each family will become self-sufficient
  • Everyone who can work will be able to earn a living wage

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://lifestylesofmd.org/volunteer/

Catherine Foundation

The Catherine Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1983. We believe it is our mission to help men and women make informed decisions regarding pregnancy, sexual health, and family. We strongly believe our services should be given out of love, with no judgment and provided to our clients confidentially and free of charge.

All Services are Free

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://cfteam.org/

Our Place Waldorf

Our Place Waldorf’s mission is to provide Charles County, Maryland residents in need with a nutritious meal in a welcoming, open, and friendly environment.

Our Place Waldorf was founded in 2012 to continue the Shepherd’s Table meal program that had been sponsored by the Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, located at 305 Smallwood Drive, Waldorf, Maryland. The church served hot meals once a week to families who were homeless or economically disadvantaged. In October 2012, Veronica Haileyesus Bullock and Deanna Gerhart founded the Thursday Night Dinner Program. Realizing there were a large number of homeless and economically disadvantaged people in Charles County who were hungry more than once a week, Veronica and Deanna’s vision was to open a soup kitchen (to be called Our Place Waldorf) to serve a hot meal seven days a week.  Our Place Waldorf, Inc. was incorporated on July 9, 2013, and on July 29, 2014, received 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service.

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: http://www.ourplacewaldorf.com/

Sierra Club

Our motto is Explore, Enjoy, & Protect the Planet. We bring this into all aspects of our work throughout Southern Maryland. But we can’t do it without you… so get involved today!

We “meet” monthly via webinar to save our energy, time, and carbon footprint and to make our meetings inclusive to our geographically spread-out region.  Our Executive Committee is a 9-member-elected board that organizes a conservation and political program, as well as nature and service outings and local campaigns. There’s a lot to do, so meetings are open to those interested in getting more involved in our movement! Agendas include business related to local conservation issues and discussions on hot topics in the environmental advocacy movement.

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://www.sierraclub.org/maryland/invasive-outings-charles

Humane Society

It is the Mission of the Humane Society of Charles County (HSCC) to provide shelter and care for homeless, injured, and neglected animals through adoption, fostering, community partnerships, education, and affordable spay-neuter and vaccine services. In 1975, a small group of community volunteers realized that the existing county animal shelter could not save the animals who were most in need. Therefore, those volunteers conceived of an organization committed to protecting injured, neglected and abused animals that might otherwise perish without intervention. Together, they became The Humane Society of Charles County and set up shop in a garage. Incorporated as a 501(C)3 nonprofit organization in August 1979, the Humane Society of Charles County was created based on a deep respect for all life, both animal and human.

From the beginning, we have held a deep commitment to caring for animals and serving the community by offering love, support, and safety to the animals as well as respect for all. 

Each year, we provide:

  • Compassionate shelter and care for more than 2,000 homeless animals
  • inspire more than 10,000 school children, nursing home residents, veterans, and community members through our humane education
  • provide low-to-no-cost veterinary services for more than 3,000 pets in need
  • find homes for more than 1,700 animals
  • save nearly 500 “bottle babies” from certain death through our kitten and puppy fostering programs

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://humanesocietycc.org/get-involved/volunteer.html (This does have known additional cost to serve. A background check must be provided, as well as $25 for the training/orientation class) 

Hospice of Charles County

For more than 35 years, Hospice of Charles County has cared for those in our community who are experiencing serious illness and loss. Together, our hospice team, which includes Physicians, Nurses, Certified Nursing Assistants, Social Workers, Chaplains, Counselors, and Volunteers, has been there when they are needed most. In 2020, Hospice of Charles County proudly joined the Hospice of the Chesapeake organization and brand family.

Hospice and palliative care organizations across the country and right here in our community are well-positioned to help our healthcare system create a new model of compassionate and comprehensive care. Given our strong local partnerships, renowned expertise, and holistic approach, we are uniquely prepared to care for those living with and impacted by life-limiting illnesses. The warmth, skill, and experience of our teams ensure patients’ physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are at the forefront of the care we provide.

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://hospiceofcharlescounty.org/volunteer/becoming-a-volunteer/

The Playful Parent

The Playful Parent was created by Kristy, a mother of three energetic boys. She has a Bachelor’s degree with an interest in Education and a Master’s in Clinical Community Counseling from Johns Hopkins University. “I believe that children learn through play! I love to do fun things with my children and hope that sharing our adventures provides other families with inspiration and resources that lead to quality time together and a love for learning!” This non-profit 501c3 organization was started so parents would have a family-friendly place to come to, feel supported, and leave with information that is useful. This site is kept advertisement and influence-free in order to keep the page from clutter and biased opinions. Your support, feedback, likes, and comments are essential; this site was designed to connect the community. The Playful Parent offers resources such as guides, calendars, and ideas for making learning fun. In addition, TPP is present in the community and hosts a handful of events to support SOMD in raising healthy families.

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://theplayfulparent.org/

Point of Change

At Point of Change Jail and Street Ministry, Inc., wellbeing is at the forefront of what we’re working together towards. Our ministry is dedicated to the growth of those who desire restoration, second Chances and/or healing.  Learn more about the positive impact we have and join us in bringing about positive change. Point of Change Jail and Street Ministry, Inc. knows that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. Back in 2008, our Non-Profit Organization launched helping to change the lives of men, women and youth who are at risk of incarceration as well as those who are reentering society from the correctional system. We provide and coordinate spiritual care, education, employment opportunities, recovery navigation services as well as training to help them make better choices and become contributing members of the community.

 To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://www.pocministries.org/get-involved

The Jude House

The Jude House, Incorporated was founded more than 45 years ago and is still strong in providing comprehensive substance use disorder treatment take pride in knowing that we have helped so many individuals to change their lives. Addiction is a heavy burden, and we are committed to bearing some of the weight of our clients until they can stand on their own.

At The Jude House, each client is serviced based on individual need. We have credentialed and experienced clinicians who are compassionate and ready to take the walk with anyone ready for a changed life.

To learn more about the organization or become a partner, visit the website: https://www.thejudehouse.org/partner


We’re passionate about partnering with organizations around the country who are already doing great work in their community.

With your help, we are able to support groups like Poiema Movement, a transitional living program for women. Poiema is dedicated to helping women recover and heal from trauma and choices that have shattered lives. Their goal is to value, give purpose, and empower each woman to live a transformed, restored, and independent life.

NEWLIFE recently raised 25k for Poiema at our 2024 Prayer Walk where more than 200 attendees came out to pray for and support this program & these women.

We also work with Samaritan’s Purse & U.S. Disaster Relief. Please email missions@newlife.live to get more details on how to donate or serve! 


With your generosity, we have been able to contribute 30k to World Hope International’s Recovery Center & Anti-Human Trafficking ministry in Sierra Leone.

We’ve also sent missions teams out to various places around the world like Guatemala, Zambia, Haiti, and more.


Check out this video to find out what you might see when you join us on one of our mission trips!



If you have questions or need more information, email missions@newlife.live